Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Fulfilling the Promise of the Differentiated Classroom: Chapters 1,2, & 3

1. "A key ingredient in the learning environment is the "mood" of the classroom." (page 5) I went into two different second grade classrooms recently and the mood of each classroom was very different. One seemed more intense and upbeat while the other more relaxed and calming. It was then that I realized how important the mood or tone of the classroom is. I want to create a mood in my classroom that will help my students feel at home and comfortable. This mood might change from year to year or day to day depending on my students needs.
2. "One only understand the things one tames." (page 6) Once my students realize I care for them they will let me get to know them. It is only through knowing them that I will be able to really connect learning to them.
3. "Children spend the majority of their waking hours in schools and classrooms." (page 9) Because of this it is my responsibility to create an environment in which my students feel safe, loved, and happy. Differentiation is the way that will help me do that. They will feel cared about if I am giving them what they need to be challenged to achieve their learning.
4. "In the early stages of our teaching most of us do well to "manage" the students and "cover" the curriculum. There is no time, no energy, no skill for really even seeing, let alone connecting with individual students."(page 22) I do not want to be one of the "most". I know that the beginning of my teaching career will be busy, but I don't want to lose sight of why I pursued this profession. I did it for the kids. I know now that each student is an individual and I don't want to lose sight of that. If I differentiate my instruction I think this will help me see my students better.
5. "...invested teacher work hard at learning, spend free-time in pursuit of knowledge, think and puzzle over problems, and get excited about ideas. Invested teacher have clear personal goals toward which they work steadily. Invested teachers exemplify the pursuit of excellence:" (page 31) This is the kind of teacher I want to be. I want to constantly be looking for profesional development. I feel that a teacher who is always wanting to learn will be an exciting teacher and thus a better teacher. Teachers that are passionate about what they do are creative and better able to come up with ideas to help their students.

1 comment:

  1. Great reflections! I can't picture you as one of those "most teachers" types! 3 pts.
